TCE has operated with strict IP Protection practices from its earliest inception. The practice is exercised to its fullest internally whereby only a select few senior managers will have access to any information considered confidential or critical to the unique portions of the product under manufacture.
TCE also works to prevent any information about our customers leaking to suppliers or third party companies involved in the product at any level. Our work to secure IP Confidentially does not end with internal TCE practices. The Vietnam Government is also quite active in keeping full watch on violations of IP information. The governments activities is widespread and includes all industries. As part of the government’s guideline to To insure IP Protection, the Vietnam government has passed clear and concise guidelines, made into law, to define activities necessary to protect Intellectual Property.
Online IP Protection Information: The Vietnam IP Protection guidelines are mirrored to the standards used in the USA and other western countries.
For a copy of the Vietnam government IP Protection guidelines please see the link: